All karat values are based on a 1/2 karat under plumb.
All charges are automatically deducted based on the payable gold content listed above.
Please click here to view the actual karat gold refining schedule applied to your lot.
Karat Kalculator is for estimating approximate values only. Actual settlements will be based on melt & assay results at appropriate current gold market, less applicable treatment and refining charges. In most cases, your final payment may be higher than what is shown on the calculator.
We also offer several calculators that can help you determine the approximate value of your precious metals:
Per D.W.T. | |
10K | $60.37 |
14K | $83.61 |
18K | $108.36 |
Per Gram | |
10K | $38.83 |
14K | $53.82 |
18K | $69.84 |