In a recent Moneyshow.com article, Mary Anne and Pamela Aden share "So it’s no wonder the markets are feeling overwhelmed and confused. It’s a complicated and unique time, and one we can’t remember being similar, except perhaps the 2008 financial crisis and the bursting of the 2000 tech stock bubble."
Gold bull markets tend to last 10 years. Today’s bull market will be 7 years old in December. This means gold technically has 3 to 3 1/2 years left to blossom into a full bull market rise. In other words, gold is likely to peak in 2026 ,and it remains in a strong solid mega uptrend.
Another good perspective is comparing gold’s bull market today to the one in 2001-2011. Today’s bull is getting closer to the breakout time when the last bull market shot up in the strongest part of its bull market. This is exciting because the time of truth is coming within the next few months or less.
Read the full article: https://www.moneyshow.com/articles/dailyguru-59466/the-aden-sisters-whats-next-for-gold/?fbclid=IwAR0XRig-JK-Pt3wQ_RT_BhuQ7vKPmaJz4wqFhv_kCCE1XtMNQLOLtx0iox0