Your business relies on a steady stream of revenue and resources to succeed. When you fall short on either, you need a way to make up the difference. We provide you with one helpful method at Mid-States Recycling & Refining.
We serve the South and the Midwest as a gemstone, silver, and scrap gold buyer. Louisville, KY businesses can also turn to us for refined precious metals. We use the smelting industry's most advanced equipment to turn old scrap into high-quality, pure metal products.
Benefit from Our Honesty and Integrity
You may have difficulty as you search for a precious metal refinery in Louisville, KY that meets your business's needs. Consider searching outside your city and state boundaries instead. Mid-States Recycling & Refining provides fully insured Federal Express shipping directly from your store to our locations in Illinois. We also ship refined shots, crystals, sponges, and bars back to your location.
To learn more about our refining process and our open-door policy, browse the rest of our website.
One of the best tools for gold buyers is the Karat Kalculator. Click here to view this useful tool.
Give Us a Call
If you have any questions, call us toll free at (800) 551-0083. You can also fill out the form on our contact page if you do not need answers right away. In either case, we will respond as soon as possible.